; AVIcodec language file ; Do not change names inside < and > ; -- indicates that ensuing text is no more used in this version; ; indicates comments ; translation by: Lars Hansen (lars DOT o DOT hansen AT gmx DOT de) ; V. is Video, A. is Audio, F. is File, others are kept as they are Filename V. fourCC V. codec name V. codec vendor V. resolution V. bitrate V. frames nb V. framerate V. duration V. aspect ratio V. size A. streams A. size A.1 codec ID A.1 codec name A.1 codec vendor A.1 duration A.1 channels A.1 samples A.1 frequency A.1 bitrate A.1 size A.2 codec ID A.2 codec name A.2 codec vendor A.2 duration A.2 channels A.2 samples A.2 frequency A.2 bitrate A.2 size F. type F. size real F. size calculated F. quality F. modification date ; szErrorString[] Not enough memory Opening error %s for %s Format not decoded yet Unable to start web browser Unable to start mail client Wrong file type No streams Error on opening File is too small %s is incomplete (too small) Not an AVI file No streams in file Stream %s not handled, please send me the header of %s for study Error on reading end of file Error on reading DTS audio streams not yet handled LPCM audio streams not yet handled Error on opening 'codecs.xml' Unable to write debug header %s ; szOtherString[] Supported Unsupported ; Kilobits per second %d Kbps %d fps %d.%d fps -- File : %s (%s), duration: %d:%02d:%02d, type: %s, %d audio stream(s), quality: %d %% Video : %s, %d Kbps, %d.%d fps, %ld*%ld (%s), %s = %s, %s Audio : %s, %d Kbps, %d Hz, %d channels, 0x%X = %s, %s FileName;FileType;FileDate;FileRealSize;FileTheoSize;FileDuration;FileQuality;VideoCodec;vcName;vcUrl;vcDriver;vcSuppByVFW;AspectRatio;Width;Height;FramesNb;Fps;VSec;VSize;VAvgBPS;aStreamsNb;AudioCodec1;a1Name;a1Url;a1SuppByVFW;a1Channels;a1SamplesNb;a1Sps;a1AvgBPS;a1Sec;a1Size;AudioCodec2;a2Name;a2Url;a2SuppByVFW;a2Channels;a2SamplesNb;a2Sps;a2AvgBPS;a2Sec;a2Size Multimedia files|*.asf;*.avi;*.divx;*.m2v;*.mp3;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.ogg;*.ogm;*.part;*.rm;*.rmvb;*.vob;*.wav;*.wma;*.wmv|Header files|*.hdr|All files|*.* Unknown No information available Video Audio File ;bytes B KB MB GB ; Third state for "codec supported" test Not checked ; MainForm (caption, hint) &Multimedia files displays information about multimedia files &Codecs && Filters displays information about codecs &Select select a multimedia file to study &Options choose information to be displayed in the table, the language and more &About how to contact the author and to find the latest version &Export List export all or selected (-> Options) information about the multimedia files to a CSV file &Quit quit the program -- Scan whole directory -- Scan all the files in the directory where the 1st file is selected Scan folders &recursively scan every sub-folder in a folder selected to study &Generate header file generate a file named .hdr sized 64 to 256 KB for every multimedia file &New files only show only new multimedia files in the table -- Silent mode -- If checked, no MessageBox is displayed on error &Hide path hide path in filenames file details will be displayed here video details will be displayed here audio details will be displayed here &Video display video codecs (VFW & DShow) &Audio display audio codecs (VFW & DShow) &DirectShow display DirectShow filters (DShow) ID State Name Version Vendor Filename &Folder select a folder to study File : real size (calculated size), duration, type, # audio streams, calculated quality Video : size, bitrate, framerate, resolution (aspect ratio), video codec, supported on this system ? Audio : size, bitrate, frequency, # channels, audio codec, supported on this system ? DirectX Media display DirectX Media Objects (DShow) ; Option dialog version e-mail &web ; New checkbox &Quick analyze disable thorough system test to check whether multimedia file is supported or not [faster] ; Export filename FileDetails.csv VideoCodecsList.csv AudioCodecsList.csv DirectShow filters list.csv DMOFiltersList.csv ; Directory choice (same as File choice) Select : Enabled Disabled &Enabled &Disabled &Copy information to clipboard ; OptionsForm (caption, hint) Options column 2 language Cancel OK S&ilent mode suppress error messages &Disable DMO search performs no search for DirectX Media Objects; this may prevent crashes under Windows 98 due to some incompatibilities Enable context menu extension for &multimedia files extends context menu of multimedia files with the entry "AVIcodec : detailed information" Enable context menu extension for &folders extends context menu of folders with the entry "Browse with AVIcodec" AVIcodec : detailed information Browse with AVIcodec Export only tables &columns Exports only information displayed in the columns; normally all information is exported